Saturday, August 30, 2014

Paleo Egg Muffin Recipe

Paleo Egg Muffin Recipe

  1. Egg 1 egg
  2. Bacon Slice 200 Grams
  3. Tomato Slice
  4. Almond meal muffin
  5. olive oil 1 Tsp.
  6. Ground Pepper 1/8 of Tsp.
*Almond meal muffins can be bought at health food stores.

Cooking Paleo Egg Muffin
  • Take a small circle dish or ramekin and place oil on the dish. Crack egg and place in greased dish. Using a fork, pierce the yolk several times before cooking so yolk is bleeding into white of egg. Then place in steamer or microwave for at least a minute.
  • Take *almond meal muffin and toast in toaster. Sprinkle remaining oil over both sides and then place bacon and tomato slice on one side.
  • When egg is done, place on top of tomato slice and top with other side of muffin. A totally paleo recipe for breakfast. Serves one.
This Paleo Egg Muffin is easy paleo recipe. It is a high protein and low crab for loss weight or bodybuilding.

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